SPARKES OF FIRE - Parts & Score, New & Recent Titles, FINISHER - Grade 4.0

SPARKES OF FIRE - Parts & Score, New & Recent Titles, FINISHER - Grade 4.0
Availability Available
Published 4th September 2017
Cat No. JM75845
Price £78.00
Composers: Jo Hermans, Wietse Meys
Arranger: Richard Johnson

Categories: New & Recent Titles, FINISHER - Grade 4.0

Grade 4.00

If you are looking for a musical introduction with overwhelming energetic character, lots of rhythms and a pumping bass and drum part, this is the piece you are looking for. Sparks of Fire originated from a piece of music for pop band and strings for the Belgian entertainment concept ‘Christiano and his Magical Orchestra’. Not many people sit still when listening to this energetic piece of music! It is perfect for opening or closing your concert. 

Sparkes of Fire

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