JOSIE'S DANCE - Parts & Score, LIGHT CONCERT - Grade 2.0, New & Recent Titles

JOSIE'S DANCE - Parts & Score, LIGHT CONCERT - Grade 2.0, New & Recent Titles
SCBF Repertoire piece Availability Available
Published 27th June 2017
Cat No. JM75382
Price £47.00
Composer: David Borowitz
Categories: LIGHT CONCERT - Grade 2.0, New & Recent Titles

Grade 2.0
Duration 2.0

This inventive, lighter work features a catchy melody, clever rhythms and a wide array of engaging percussion parts. Certain to be a real audience pleaser and a fantastic change-of-pace on any program! (2:00)

Josie's Dance

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Josie's Dance Josie's Dance

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