EAGLES AMONG US - Parts & Score, BIGGIES - Grade 2.0

EAGLES AMONG US - Parts & Score, BIGGIES - Grade 2.0
SCBF Repertoire piece Availability Available
Published 27th June 2017
Cat No. JM75381
Price £62.00
Composer: Brian Balmages
Category: BIGGIES - Grade 2.0

Grade 2.0
Duration 2.30

This powerful overture with cinematic overtones is designed to be playable by band alone, yet offers the option of band and strings combined. Depicting the vision of the world from the eyes of an eagle while in flight, the music includes dramatic fanfares juxtaposed with moments of lyricism that range from calming to soaring. An inspiring and accessible work with multiple performance options! (2:30)

Samples available

Audio samples
Eagles Among Us Eagles Among Us

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