PULSATE - Parts & Score, BIGGIES - Grade 1.5, New & Recent Titles

PULSATE  - Parts & Score, BIGGIES - Grade 1.5, New & Recent Titles
SCBF Repertoire piece Availability Available
Published 27th June 2017
Cat No. JM75378
Price £50.50
Composer: Mekel Rogers
Categories: BIGGIES - Grade 1.5, New & Recent Titles

Grade 1.5
Duration 1.40

This fast and rhythmically driving work gives the illusion of alternating meters while remaining in 3/4 throughout. Melodic and harmonic ideas layer on top of one another to create an almost hypnotic pulsating effect. Easy ranges, active percussion, and solid scoring make this a great choice for concert festivals, honor band clinics, or simply a great teaching piece for your students.

Samples available

Audio samples
Pulsate Pulsate

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