JING, JING, JINGLE - Parts & Score, New & Recent Titles, CHRISTMAS MUSIC - Grade 3.0, CHRISTMAS MUSIC - Grade 2.5

JING, JING, JINGLE - Parts & Score, New & Recent Titles, CHRISTMAS MUSIC - Grade 3.0, CHRISTMAS MUSIC - Grade 2.5
Availability Available
Published 16th November 2016
Cat No. JM74996
Price £60.00
Arranger: Chris Sharp
Categories: New & Recent Titles, CHRISTMAS MUSIC - Grade 3.0, CHRISTMAS MUSIC - Grade 2.5

Grade 2.5 - 3
Duration 2m00s

Welcome the yuletide season in jazzy style as Saint Nick meets Benny Goodman and his renowned drummer Gene Krupa. This inventive take on the holiday chestnut Jingle Bells begins with the iconic toms solo launching into the familiar melody. When the full ensemble enters on the chorus, sleigh bells add to the festive mood. After a call-and-response section between the brass and woodwind sections, Jolly Old St. Nicholas makes his appearance to close out the piece!

Samples available

Audio samples
Jing, Jing, Jingle Jing, Jing, Jingle

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