VIVO - Parts & Score, OPENERS - Grade 2.0, New & Recent Titles

VIVO - Parts & Score, OPENERS - Grade 2.0, New & Recent Titles
SCBF Repertoire piece Availability Available
Published 10th August 2016
Cat No. JM74007
Price £47.95
Composer: Douglas E. Wagner
Categories: OPENERS - Grade 2.0, New & Recent Titles

Grade 2.0
Duration 2.00

Written in the style of a Broadway overture, here's a colorfully scored original work in A-B-A form. Spirited rhythms, soaring melodies, and delightful tonality shifts provide the joyfully musical materials for a most satisfying and happy-sounding program offering that sounds more difficult than it plays. Perfect for contest or concert as well as an uplifting opener or closer for any program. (2:00)


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