MARCH of the ROBOT BRIDAGE - Parts & Score, New & Recent Titles, MARCHES - Grade 1.0

MARCH of the ROBOT BRIDAGE - Parts & Score, New & Recent Titles, MARCHES - Grade 1.0
Availability Available
Published 10th August 2016
Cat No. JM74002
Price £42.95
Composer: Chris Bernotas
Categories: New & Recent Titles, MARCHES - Grade 1.0

Grade 1.0
Duration 2.25

Here they come marching two by two---it's a robot brigade! This dramatic piece for beginning band uses only the first six notes students learn. It is full of meaningful teachable moments that include call-and-response, minor mode, dynamics, and much more. The low brass and low winds play a prominent role throughout and everyone in the band will stay engaged. Students will surely practice this one! (2:25)

March of the Robot Brigade

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