MOON ROCKS - Parts & Score, New & Recent Titles, LIGHT CONCERT - Grade 1.5

MOON ROCKS - Parts & Score, New & Recent Titles, LIGHT CONCERT - Grade 1.5
Availability Available
Published 9th August 2016
Cat No. JM74000
Price £44.50
Composer: Robert Sheldon
Categories: New & Recent Titles, LIGHT CONCERT - Grade 1.5

Grade 1.0
Duration 1.50

Three---Two---One---BLAST OFF! Rock the moon with your band on their next performance. The percussion section is featured, and even helps to provide a "lift-off" for the moon launch. Great fun for everyone, this novelty-rock piece has a tune your audience will be singing long after the concert. With one-part writing for clarinet, alto saxophone, and trumpet, and clarinets staying under the break, this is easily playable in the first year of instruction. (1:50)

Moon Rocks

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