TOCCATA RHAPSODIC - Parts & Score, MusicWorks Grade 2, MusicWorks Grade 1, New & Recent Titles

TOCCATA RHAPSODIC - Parts & Score, MusicWorks Grade 2, MusicWorks Grade 1, New & Recent Titles
Availability Available
Published 10th August 2016
Cat No. JM73992
Price £42.50
Composer: Richard L. Saucedo
Categories: MusicWorks Grade 2, MusicWorks Grade 1, New & Recent Titles

Grade 1.5
Duration 2:25

Composed using a single moderate tempo, Toccata Rhapsodic is a study in articulation and phrasing for second year players. The piece cleverly combines elements of staccato at the same time other players are playing legato phrases, and encourages students to listen for the difference. This can be effective used either as a teaching piece or as an appealing concert number.

Toccata Rhapsodic by Richard L. Saucedo

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