NIGHT OF THE DARK HORSE - Parts & Score, New & Recent Titles, MusicWorks Grade 2, MusicWorks Grade 3

NIGHT OF THE DARK HORSE - Parts & Score, New & Recent Titles, MusicWorks Grade 2, MusicWorks Grade 3
Availability Available
Published 10th August 2016
Cat No. JM73987
Price £49.50
Composer: Michael Oare
Categories: New & Recent Titles, MusicWorks Grade 2, MusicWorks Grade 3

Grade 2.5
Duration 2:40

The term dark horse originated in horse racing describing an unknown entry, but also carries the connotation of an underdog in politics or sports. Composed in 6/8 and using a single brisk tempo throughout, Night of the Dark Horse is an energetic musical journey dedicated to the efforts of unlikely winners everywhere. Dur: 2:40 The term dark horse originated in horse racing describing an unknown entry, but also carries the connotation of an underdog in politics or sports. Composed in 6/8 and using a single brisk tempo throughout, Night of the Dark Horse is an energetic musical journey dedicated to the efforts of unlikely winners everywhere.

Night of the Dark Horse by Michael Oare

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