PRESIDENTIAL SUITE - Parts & Score, New & Recent Titles, MusicWorks Grade 3, MusicWorks Grade 4

PRESIDENTIAL SUITE - Parts & Score, New & Recent Titles, MusicWorks Grade 3, MusicWorks Grade 4
Availability Available
Published 10th August 2016
Cat No. JM73986
Price £67.50
Composer: Michael Oare
Categories: New & Recent Titles, MusicWorks Grade 3, MusicWorks Grade 4

Grade 3.5
Duration 5:30

Commissioned by the Virginia Band and Orchestra Directors Association to commemorate its 75th anniversary, Presidential Suite recognizes the rich historical heritage of Virginia, particularly as the birthplace of eight United States presidents. Using a suite format, the work focuses on three of the founding fathers. The first movement, Mount Vernon, is a serene musical impression of the home of George Washington. Monticello is the second movement and portrays the stately style of music typical of Thomas Jefferson's time. The suite concludes with Montpelier, the home of James Madison, and uses bold and majestic motifs to portray the broad and magnificent landscape of Madison's estate.

0:01 / 5:29 Presidential Suite by Michael Oare

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