LOL ( LAUGH OUT LOUD ) - Parts & Score, New & Recent Titles, MusicWorks Grade 4, FINISHER - Grade 4.0

LOL ( LAUGH OUT LOUD ) - Parts & Score, New & Recent Titles, MusicWorks Grade 4, FINISHER - Grade 4.0
SCBF Repertoire piece Availability Available
Published 10th August 2016
Cat No. JM73985
Price £67.50
Composer: Robert Buckley
Categories: New & Recent Titles, MusicWorks Grade 4, FINISHER - Grade 4.0

Grade 4.0
Duration 2:50

LOL (Laugh Out Loud) is a wacky, fast-and-furious barn-burner reminiscent of a circus march or “screamer.” It was written for the Naden Band of the Royal Canadian Navy in celebration of their 75th anniversary andas an opportunity to display their dazzling technical facility and humor. Cartoon-like trombone glissandi, flying woodwinds, dizzying brass and laughing rhythms create a zany and thrilling off the wall highlight to any occasion.

Great FINISHER for your next concert.

LOL (Laugh Out Loud) by Robert Buckley

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