SWAMP RABBIT STOMP - Parts & Score, New & Recent Titles, MusicWorks Grade 4

SWAMP RABBIT STOMP - Parts & Score, New & Recent Titles, MusicWorks Grade 4
Availability Available
Published 10th August 2016
Cat No. JM73983
Price £76.50
Composer: Michael Sweeney
Categories: New & Recent Titles, MusicWorks Grade 4

Grade 4
Duration 7:15

Written to celebrate the natural scenic beauty of the famed Swamp Rabbit Trail in South Carolina, and commissioned by the 2015 South Carolina All-State Junior Band, Michael Sweeney's Swamp Rabbit Stomp is a joyous romp of rhythm and harmony. Exploring layers of sounds as well as an expanded role for the percussion section, this work also calls for a middle section where all members of the band perform with egg shakers. A substantial work, but with a dash of fun!

Swamp Rabbit Stomp by Michael Sweeney

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