WESTERN PORTRAITS - Score only, New & Recent Titles

WESTERN PORTRAITS - Score only, New & Recent Titles
Availability Available
Published 4th August 2015
Cat No. JM73006
Price Please contact us for price
Composer: Andrew Pearce
Category: New & Recent Titles

Difficulty: 6

Duration: 12m 30s

Heroes Overture A dramatic motif played on the roto-toms announces the overture, followed by a bright main theme in trumpets accompanied by trombones. The second part, Stampede, is an exciting variation in 5/8 with driving winds, interrupted by the brass and horns. Soliloquy is a romance for guitar and winds, and a solo trumpet accompanied by strings. The Race closes the suite with variations on the main theme culminating in a thrilling Hollywood style ending!

Samples available

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Western Portraits Western Portraits

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