SOLIDARITY IN GOLD - Score only, New & Recent Titles

SOLIDARITY IN GOLD - Score only, New & Recent Titles
Availability Available
Published 4th August 2015
Cat No. JM72980
Price Please contact us for price
Composer: Ron van Riel
Category: New & Recent Titles

Difficulty: 4

Duration: 4m 50s

Ron van Riel composed Solidarity in Gold to commemorate the 50th anniversary of his band, Cromvoirtse Fanfare. The music reflects all the various facets of life in the club during those 50 years. The beginning, enthusiasm, friendships, the good-times but of course, also pain and sorrow. But what mainly emerges is the bond between the members of this close association. With confidence in the future of the group, they look forward to their next anniversary!

Samples available

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Solidarity in Gold Solidarity in Gold

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