PICK UP THE PIECES - Parts & Score, New & Recent Titles

PICK UP THE PIECES - Parts & Score, New & Recent Titles
Availability Available
Published 4th August 2015
Cat No. JM72965
Price Please contact us for price
Composers: Roger Ball, Hamish Stuard
Arranger: Rob van Reijmersdal

Category: New & Recent Titles

Difficulty: 5

Duration: 3m 32s

Pick up the Pieces is an instrumental work from 1974 by the Scottish band, Average White Band. They had several hits in the seventies with their funk, soul and disco songs. This piece appeared in the charts several times. In this orchestra version the four voiced harmonies are derived from the first chord Cm11. The Dutch saxophonist, Candy Dulfer covered this number in 1993, causing it to regain popularity and rightly become a Funk Classic.

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Pick up the Pieces Pick up the Pieces

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