TANTUM ERGO - Parts & Score, New & Recent Titles

TANTUM ERGO - Parts & Score, New & Recent Titles
Availability Available
Published 4th August 2015
Cat No. JM72957
Price Please contact us for price
Composer: Carlos Marques
Category: New & Recent Titles

Difficulty: 4

Duration: 9m 45s

Tantum Ergo was commissioned in 2012 by the Muscia Viva Summer Wind Band, in Triuggio, Italy. The 13th century Gregorian text, Pange Lingua from Thomas Aquinas was taken as the start point to describe the extremes of human nature arising from religion, peace, violence, war, reflection, symbolically shown as a disorderly parade. Finally the original theme returns in a grandiose form, as a model of human reason and the as yet unwritten future.

Samples available

Audio samples
Tantum Ergo Tantum Ergo

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