PASEO DE OTONO - Parts & Score, New & Recent Titles

PASEO DE OTONO - Parts & Score, New & Recent Titles
Availability Available
Published 4th August 2015
Cat No. JM72945
Price Please contact us for price
Composer: Hans Elzinga
Category: New & Recent Titles

8 Parts Flexible + Percussion

Difficulty: 2

Duration: 1m 18s

Since 1990 Hans Elzinga performs and teaches South-American traditional music. In this piece 'Paseo de Otoño' (Autumn walk) he tries to make us familiar with the colourful and rhythmical music of the Mexican bandas . A quite original and sparkling piece for symphonic band clearly testifying the composer's passion for this kind of music.

Samples available

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Paseo de Otono Paseo de Otono

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