SPIRIT OF ENDEAVOUR - Parts & Score, New & Recent Titles

SPIRIT OF ENDEAVOUR - Parts & Score, New & Recent Titles
Availability Available
Published 5th June 2015
Cat No. JM72241
Price £117.00
Composer: Philip Sparke
Category: New & Recent Titles

Grade 5

Duration 9m20s

Spirit of Endeavour is a virtuosic piece of music with a positive musical message. It tells the story of a wind band embracing hard work, friendship, musical excellence, love, marriage and birth, as well as the sad loss of cherished members. Composer Philip Sparke decided to salute the history of the Canadian concert band ‘Harmonie de Charlesbourg’ with a work that falls into two contrasted sections. One Vision deals with forming the band and the subsequent united desire to create an ensemble espousing the idea of musical perfection. The Pursuit of Excellence salutes the 20 years of hard work of the wind band. This concert work ends with a chorale of the full band, symbolising the fulfilment of a united dream!

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