UFO CONCERTO - Parts & Score, New & Recent Titles

UFO CONCERTO - Parts & Score, New & Recent Titles
Availability Available
Published 10th February 2015
Cat No. JM71738
Price £257.00
Composer: Johan de Meij
Category: New & Recent Titles

Grade 6
Duration 23m 42s

Ufo Concerto, the first solo work by Johan de Meij for euphonium solo, is not a traditional concert work in the classical sense. It is comprised of five movements that are thematically interconnected: Andante – Con moto , Giocoso – Vivo, Andante cantabile, Vivace, and Alla Marcia – Vivace.
  1. Andante - Con moto
  2. Giocoso - Vivo
  3. Andante cantabile
  4. Vivace
  5. Alla Marcia

Samples available

Audio samples
UFO Concerto UFO Concerto

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