SYMPHONY NO. 3 PLANET EARTH - Score only, New & Recent Titles

SYMPHONY NO. 3 PLANET EARTH - Score only, New & Recent Titles
Availability Available
Published 10th February 2015
Cat No. JM71737
Price £65.95
Composer: Johan de Meij
Category: New & Recent Titles

Grade 5 1/2
Duration 49m 0s

Johan de Meijs third symphony, Planet Earth, unmistakeably marks
a new peak in his large musical output. The symphonic version was
premiered in 2006 and has now been arranged for wind orchestra by the composer.

Planet Earth is an impressive ode to Mother Earth. De Meij has pulled out all stops to sing the earth's praises in a heartrending manner. Splendid melodies, intense intermezzi, surprising sound patterns and noises/sounds from another world create a breathtaking musical experience with an amazing climax.

A thrilling and rousing symphony!
  1. Lonely Planet
  2. Planet Earth
  3. Mother Earth

Samples available

Audio samples
Planet Earth Planet Earth

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