ROMAN TRILOGY - CD, New & Recent Titles

ROMAN TRILOGY - CD, New & Recent Titles
Availability Available
Published 22nd December 2014
Cat No. JM71645
Price £13.95
Material: Polyphonic
Category: New & Recent Titles

Graet British Music for Wind Band - Volume 20

The Royal Northern College of Music Wind Orcherstra
Conductors : Clark Rundell, Mark Heron, Jeffrey Mathews
Special Guest Soloist - Brett Baker

Tracks :

01. ROYAL WINDSOR PORTRAITS by Martin Ellerby - 13.29
Vocal Soloist - Ricahard Moore
02. TURQUOISE WATER by Tom Moss - 7.14
Solo Alto Saxophone - May Crick
03. OLD WORLD OVERTURE by Nigel Clarke  - 5.14

04. Movement 1 - Maestoso, Allegro, Maestoso - 7.01
05. Movement 2 - Andante e molto tranquillo - 6.53
06. Movement 3 - Allegro - 4.28

07.  STORM SURGE by Nigel Clarke - 12.46
An Elemental portrait for Concert Band - Narrator Benjamin K. Lewis

08. STILL WATERS by Rob Wiffin - 4.28
Solo Oboe - Isabelle Orford

ROMAN TRILOGY by Martin Ellerby - 11.15
09. Colosseo di Roma - 4.32
10. Cappella Sistina - 4.11
11. Fontana di Trevi - 2.32

Total Playing time 78.04

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