TRIUMPH OF THE OPTIMISTS - Parts & Score, New & Recent Titles

TRIUMPH OF THE OPTIMISTS - Parts & Score, New & Recent Titles
Availability Available
Published 30th July 2014
Cat No. JM70913
Price £52.60
Composer: Armin Kofler
Category: New & Recent Titles

TRIUMPH OF THE OPTIMISTS is an upbeat and celebratory opening piece. A quiet passage follows the opening fanfare. This is followed by a powerful middle section played by the lower band, which subsequently leads to a repetition of the opening fanfare.

Grade D

Duration 4:00

This publisher rates grade difficulty as follows:

A = very easy
B = easy
C = medium
D = difficult
E = very difficult

Samples available

Audio samples
Triumph of the Optimists Triumph of the Optimists

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