TERRA PACEM - Parts & Score, New & Recent Titles

TERRA PACEM - Parts & Score, New & Recent Titles
Availability Available
Published 19th October 2013
Cat No. JM70863
Price £68.60
Composer: Mario Burki
Category: New & Recent Titles

Grade 4

Duration 9:00

This publisher rates grade difficulty as follows:

1 = very easy
2 = easy
3 = easy/medium
4 = medium/difficult
5 = difficult
6 = very difficult

TERRA PACEM - or peace on earth, describes the desire of mankind to attain holistic peace among all peoples of the world.

The beginning of the work symbolizes the heartbeat of the earth. After that, the melancholic held main theme of the work, which is the inaccessibility of the desire for peace appears.

The theme which characterises common thread throughout the work takes its climax in the grand finale, a chorale, which is the absolution in its simplicity, which is necessary to gain inner peace in a religious context.

In addition to this wishful thinking for peace reigns in between but always the fact of the discord between humanity: Fast, rhythmically incisive parts describe the aggression and anger.

The work ends with a voluminous major chord, which is terminated by a final heartbeat, symbolizing the eternal spiral between peace and war, which prevails on our planet for millennia.

Samples available

Audio samples
Terra Pacem Terra Pacem

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