VRANJANKA - Parts & Score, New & Recent Titles

Availability Available
Published 19th June 2014
Cat No. JM70688
Price Please contact us for price
Composer: Kenneth Hesketh
Category: New & Recent Titles

Premiered on 6 th November 2005, at the RNCM International Wind Festival, Vranjanka is loosely based on the traditional folksong Šano Dušo. The melody is extant in two versions, one in 7/8 and one in 3/4. Hesketh chooses the version in 7/8 and has extended the melodic ideas of the original with new material. The musical form of the piece is as follows; a fairly slow introductory section where the theme is only hinted at but never heard and a faster second section cast in
a set of variations on the folksong. These are not variations in the traditional sense, with clearly marked beginnings and endings, but ongoing developments of the various melodic material in the folksong with original material ‘growing out’ along side. Vranjanka was commissioned by Timothy and Hilary Reynish in memory of their son William.

Wind Band Grade 5

Duration: 9 minutes

Grade 1 Very Easy - beginner level
Grade 2: Junior School Band level
Grade 3: Established Senior School Band Level
Grade 4: County Band/ Music Centre Band level
Grade 5: Advanced Music Centre Groups upwards
Grade 6: Music College and Professional level bands

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