RINGING ISLE, THE - Parts & Score, New & Recent Titles

Availability Available
Published 19th June 2014
Cat No. JM70678
Price £59.99
Composer: Jonathan Dove
Arranger: Philip Littlemore

Category: New & Recent Titles

Handel called Britain ‘the ringing isle’ because when he moved to London, he heard bells ringing everywhere: great bells in church towers, and handbells in some of the first private houses he visited. The sound of people ‘ringing the changes’ is a peculiarly British sound of celebration. Within The Ringing Isle, Dove incorporates some traditional change-ringing patterns, from ‘Grandsire Doubles’, ‘Oxford Treble Bob Minor’ and his own version of ‘Plain Bob Major’.

Wind Band Grade 5

Duration: 6 minutes

Grade 1 Very Easy - beginner level
Grade 2: Junior School Band level
Grade 3: Established Senior School Band Level
Grade 4: County Band/ Music Centre Band level
Grade 5: Advanced Music Centre Groups upwards
Grade 6: Music College and Professional level bands

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