REJOICE! - Parts & Score, New & Recent Titles

REJOICE! - Parts & Score, New & Recent Titles
Availability Available
Published 10th February 2014
Cat No. JM70394
Price £86.00
Composer: Naoya Wada
Category: New & Recent Titles

Level 6

Duration: 6 m : 57 s

Rejoice! was commissioned by the Kitakyushu City Foundation for Promoting Arts and Culture (KICPAC) on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the founding of the city on Feburary 10, 1063. The composer grew up in this city and feels at home there.
Kitakyushu was born from the merger of five municipalities of Moji, Kokura, Tobata, Yahata and Wakamatsu centred on the ancient city of Kokura. These five former cities are represented in five themes in distinct keys at the beginning of the piece: G major, e major, g major again, Bb major and F major.
Rejoice! is dedicated to the city of Kitakyushu and Mr. Kenji Kitahashi, mayor of the city. The première was held on March 3, 2013 at the Kitakyushu Soleil Hall, performed by the Comfort Wind Ensemble, conducted by Mr. Satoru Yoshihara.

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