THREE MUSKETEERS, THE - Parts & Score, New & Recent Titles

THREE MUSKETEERS, THE - Parts & Score, New & Recent Titles
Availability Available
Published 2nd October 2013
Cat No. JM68622
Price £48.00
Composer: Filip Ceunen
Category: New & Recent Titles

The Three Musketeers is a three-movement composition for youth orchestra, in which the three musketeers are illustrated one after the other.
I. Athos is brave and courageous, but can also be secretive.
II. Porthos is the hooligan of the trio: he wanders merrily through life.
III. Aramis is the intellectual of the group.
The Three Musketeers is a Flex4 edition. It’s an ideal piece for any beginners’ orchestra - and is a challenge for everyone!

Duration 3:15

Grade 1.5

Samples available

Audio samples
The Three Muskateers pt 1 The Three Muskateers pt 1
The Three Muskateers pt 2 The Three Muskateers pt 2

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