COPPA FRAGOLE - Parts & Score, LIGHT CONCERT - Grade 4.5

COPPA FRAGOLE - Parts & Score, LIGHT CONCERT - Grade 4.5
Availability Available
Published 2nd October 2013
Cat No. JM68615
Price £123.00
Composer: Bart Picqueur
Category: LIGHT CONCERT - Grade 4.5

A Sweet Suite to Fresh up a Hot Italian Summer

Duration 13:30

Grade 4.5

Coppa Fragole - or strawberry cup in English - is a delicious musical refreshment that is comprised of the following ingredients: cinematic, orchestral vanilla ice cream; red strawberry in the style of a lively Argentinean milonga dance; an irresistibly sweet waltz-style sauce and a lively tarantella for the cherry on the top. Enjoy!

Samples available

Audio samples
Coppa Fragole pt 1 Coppa Fragole pt 1
Coppa Fragole pt 2 Coppa Fragole pt 2

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