JUBILANCE - OVERTURE FOR A CELEBRATION - Parts & Score, New & Recent Titles

JUBILANCE - OVERTURE FOR A CELEBRATION - Parts & Score, New & Recent Titles
Availability Available
Published 2nd October 2013
Cat No. JM68610
Price £79.00
Composer: Benjamin Yeo
Category: New & Recent Titles

This concert march is one of two that were written to fulfill a commission from the grammar school of Xinmin in Singapore and was premiered at the concert celebrating that schools 65th anniversary in 2010. Benjamin Yeo’s colourful orchestration creates an exciting soundscape by contrasting
virtuosic melodies with lush, full sounds. All sections of the band are represented well in Jubilance, while the ample voice doublings create a full sound that will surprise even the largest bands!

Duration 6:05

Grade 3.5

Samples available

Audio samples
Jubilance pt 1 Jubilance pt 1
Jubilance pt 2 Jubilance pt 2

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