SALUT D'AMOUR - Parts & Score, New & Recent Titles

SALUT D'AMOUR - Parts & Score, New & Recent Titles
Availability Available
Published 2nd October 2013
Cat No. JM68597
Price £57.00
Composer: Edward William Elgar
Arranger: Georges Moreau

Category: New & Recent Titles

Edward Elgar composed Salut d’Amour as an engagement present for Caroline Alice Roberts. The original title was Liebesgruß – an indication of the fluent German of the composer's fiancé. Due to the relatively humble sales of the work with this title, it was decided to change it to a French name. A wise decision, given that nowadays this melody is among the best-known of all time.

Duration 3:37

Grade 3

Samples available

Audio samples
Salut d'Amour Salut d'Amour

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