PRELUDE and FANFARE - Parts & Score, New & Recent Titles

Availability Available
Published 10th April 2013
Cat No. JM67695
Price £64.95
Composer: Dan Price
Category: New & Recent Titles

Prelude & Fanfare takes its inspiration from a piece of NASA video footage where a camera is attached to a piece of debris and jettisoned into space from the space shuttle. Initially, the camera captures images of the shuttle flying off into the distance and out of sight and images of Earth from outer space as the debris floats around. The Earth's magnetic field takes hold of the debris and it re enters the Earth's atmosphere, gathering speed and plummeting towards Earth.
The work is a musical reflection of this journey, starting with the weightless lontano section. A musical representation of the entry into Earth's atmosphere, and the brisk tempo and rhythm of the main theme, convey images of accelerated speed and excitement which eventually climaxes in the inevitable final thud of both the musical and documented journey.

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