WITH FIRE AND SWORD - Parts & Score, New & Recent Titles

Availability Available
Published 14th March 2012
Cat No. JM51853
Price £19.95
Composer / arranger: Adam Gorb
Category: New & Recent Titles

From 'For England Harry and St. George' for Beginner Band

The little pieces that form ‘For England, Harry and St. George’ may be played individually, in pairs, scattered through a programme or, when given complete, may even be played in a different order. All take their inspiration from the music of mediaeval and renaissance Britain, the scene of political intrigue, social turmoil and military strife. Performers should keep in mind the combination of vigour, mysticism and grandeur which so characterised English music of this bygone age.

AB grade 2 - 2.5

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With Fire and Sword With Fire and Sword

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