WINTER DANCES - Parts & Score, New & Recent Titles

WINTER DANCES - Parts & Score, New & Recent Titles
Availability Available
Published 14th March 2012
Cat No. JM51852
Price £82.50
Composer / arranger: Fergal Carroll
Category: New & Recent Titles

For Symphonic Wind Orchestra

A work to make new friends for wind music with its ravishing orchestration, rhythmical nuance and vibrant, lucid textures. Carroll’s keen ear for sonority, stylish elegance and quality of ideas are a breath of fresh air. December, lyrically reflective with gentle seasonal hints, is flanked by faster movements, tingling with buoyant excitement that never overplays its hand. This is a winter of sparkling enchantment, not hibernation. A delight.

8 - 9 minutes

Samples available

Audio samples
Winter Dances 1 Winter Dances 1
Winter Dances 2 Winter Dances 2
Winter Dances 3 Winter Dances 3

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