WASTELAND WIND MUSIC 1 - Parts & Score, New & Recent Titles

Availability Available
Published 14th March 2012
Cat No. JM51848
Price £79.50
Composer / arranger: Stephen McNeff
Category: New & Recent Titles

For Symphonic Wind Ensemble

A musical tour de force of symphonic scope and resource that shows the composer’s understanding of what the medium is capable of and exploring it brilliantly. Making very few technical compromises, its powerful integrity challenges and rewards the musicality and abilities of quality players (and conductors). A big piece in every sense.

24 minutes

Samples available

Audio samples
Wasteland Music 1 Movement 1 Wasteland Music 1 Movement 1
Wasteland Music 1 Movement 2 Wasteland Music 1 Movement 2
Wasteland Music 1 Movement 3 Wasteland Music 1 Movement 3
Wasteland Music 1 Movement 4 Wasteland Music 1 Movement 4

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