SONG OF LIR - Parts & Score, SLOW TUNES - Grade 3.0, New & Recent Titles

SONG OF LIR - Parts & Score, SLOW TUNES - Grade 3.0, New & Recent Titles
SCBF Repertoire piece Availability Available
Published 14th March 2012
Cat No. JM51826
Price £70.00
Composer / arranger: Fergal Carroll
Categories: SLOW TUNES - Grade 3.0, New & Recent Titles

For Symphonic Wind Orchestra

Written for bands of medium ability, Song of Lir suggests an Irish lament, or caoine, and much of the material is derived from a 17th Century Irish harping tune Captain O’Kane. Commissioned by Tim and Hillary Reynish in memory of their son William.

6 - 7 minutes

Song of Lir

Samples available

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Song of Lir Song of Lir

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