RECOLLECTIONS - Parts & Score, New & Recent Titles

Availability Available
Published 14th March 2012
Cat No. JM51819
Price £52.50
Composer / arranger: Norbert Palej
Category: New & Recent Titles

The term "recollections" can be understood in at least two ways. On the most basic level, it means "memories". However, there is also the deeper and more constructive way to recollect than merely to reminisce or dwell on things past and gone: it is to "recollect oneself" - to rethink one's life and actions, and to collect and focus one's spirit. This piece depicts three different modes of recollection: through vigilance (being mentally restful yet alert), through play (enjoying the company of friends), and through prayer (contemplating the metaphysical). "Three miniatures of Ravelian distiction, a must for all serious wind ensembles". c:11 minutes

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