JUMP START - Parts & Score, New & Recent Titles

JUMP START - Parts & Score, New & Recent Titles
Availability Available
Published 13th March 2012
Cat No. JM51717
Price £49.00
Composer / arranger: Eric Nathan
Category: New & Recent Titles

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"Jump Start" was not only inspired by the bursting energy of the spark needed to "jump-start" a vehicle, but also by the individual words of "jump" and "start" which instilled a feeling of leeping to go.

The piece bustles with a jazzy, lively energy and features an angular, leaping melody filled with starts and stops that occur in fits and spurts.

The melody runs throughout the piece and is explored not only through jazzy big-band flourishes and weaving textures, but also through warmly glowing, reflective and slightly bluesy chords that peacefully linger and allow the melody's lyrical qualities to shine.

Duration c: 7 mimutes

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