SINFONIA No.9 - Parts & Score, SPRING SALE 2019

SINFONIA No.9 - Parts & Score, SPRING SALE 2019
Availability Available
Published 6th January 2008
Cat No. JM47795
Price £20.00
Composer: Walter Hartley
Category: SPRING SALE 2019

The work is in 3 movements :
1. Andante-Allegro
2. Lento
3. Presto agitato
as are Hartley's Sinfonias Nos.2 , 6, 7 & 8.
The movements are in free rondo form, but recent events (The Gulf War) have given them programmatic overtones which the other Sinfonias did not have.

Grade 4.5
Duration 9.15

Normal selling price £50.00

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