BLUE SHADES : The Music of Frank Ticheli, WIND BAND CDs

Availability Available
Published 12th November 2006
Cat No. JM45043
Price £10.00
Composer: Frank Ticheli
Category: WIND BAND CDs

All tracks performed by Michigan State University Wind Symphony - John Whitwell, conductor.
1. Blue Shades (10.28) 2. Cajun Folk Songs #1 - (i)La Belle et le Capitaine (ii) Belle (6.41) 3.Cajun Folk Songs #2 (i) Ballad (ii) Country Dance (11.00) 4. Amazing Grace (6.06) 5. Postcard (5.25) 6. Songs of Tagore - (i) Nightfall (ii) Light (iii) Departure (14.21) 7. Fortress (5.14) 8. Gaian Visions - (i) Forgotten Dreams (ii) Desecration (iii) Redemption (10.40) 9. Pacific Fanfare (5.36)

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