TUBA CONCERTO - Parts & Score, New & Recent Titles, SOLOS for TUBA

TUBA CONCERTO - Parts & Score, New & Recent Titles, SOLOS for TUBA
Availability Available
Published 27th March 2023
Cat No. JM106073
Price £270.00
Composer: Philip Sparke
Categories: New & Recent Titles, SOLOS for TUBA

Grade 5.0
Duration 13.18

When writing his tuba concerto, Philip Sparke wanted to create a work which explored the many aspects of the instrument’s technical and vocal qualities but without resorting to caricature. The result is a concerto in two joined movements, which can both be programmed individually, that contains both many lyrical lines together with stunning virtuosic passages. An outstanding concerto that tuba players and brass band audiences alike will enjoy and applaud.

Samples available

Audio samples
Tuba Concerto Tuba Concerto

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