EL CAMINO REAL - Parts & Score, New & Recent Titles

EL CAMINO REAL - Parts & Score, New & Recent Titles
Availability Available
Published 10th June 2021
Cat No. JM105731
Price £108.00
Composer: Alfred Reed
Category: New & Recent Titles

Grade 4.0

El Camino Real (The Royal Road or The King's Highway) was commissioned by the 581st Air Force Band and its commander, Lt. Col. Ray E. Toler. This fantasy is based on a series of Spanish folk melodies and underscored by chord progressions used by generations of flamenco guitarists, whose fiery style and brilliant playing have created a vast body of what many consider authentic Spanish music. The music follows a traditional fast-slow-fast pattern, with a first section that is based on the dance form known as the jota, and second contrasting section derived from the fandango.

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