INTERMEZZO - (From Cavalleria Rusticana) Parts & Score, LIGHT CONCERT - Grade 3.0, New & Recent Titles

INTERMEZZO - (From Cavalleria Rusticana) Parts & Score, LIGHT CONCERT - Grade 3.0, New & Recent Titles
Availability Available
Published 6th February 2020
Cat No. JM103501
Price £89.99
Composer: Pietro Mascagni
Arranger: Manu Mallaerts

Categories: LIGHT CONCERT - Grade 3.0, New & Recent Titles

Pietro Mascagni’s Cavalleria Rusticana” is his only work that is widely known. Especially this beautiful “Intermezzo” is a melody that appeals to the imagination. It is a stylish and melodious work for a well-balanced concert programme. This work is also eminently suitable for warm-up purposes.

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