WILDCAT VALLEY FANFARE - Parts & Score, New & Recent Titles, OPENERS - Grade 3.0

WILDCAT VALLEY FANFARE - Parts & Score, New & Recent Titles, OPENERS - Grade 3.0
SCBF Repertoire piece Availability Available
Published 6th January 2020
Cat No. JM103438
Price £59.00
Composer: Michael Sweeney
Categories: New & Recent Titles, OPENERS - Grade 3.0

Grade 3.0
Duration 3.15

The Wildcat Creek in central Indiana forms a valley connecting all schools in the Howard County area for whom this piece was written. Opening with the percussion section in a stately style, the main theme is first heard in a chorale-like setting. Designed as an extended fanfare, the piece quickly builds in intensity with each subsequent phrase, and culminates in a fast-paced and brilliant sounding ending flourish. Effective as a concert opener.

Wildcat Valley Fanfare

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