3,2,1...... - Parts & Score, BIGGIES - Grade 2.5, New & Recent Titles

3,2,1...... - Parts & Score, BIGGIES - Grade 2.5, New & Recent Titles
SCBF Repertoire piece Availability Available
Published 31st August 2019
Cat No. JM103255
Price £60.00
Composer: Brian Balmages
Categories: BIGGIES - Grade 2.5, New & Recent Titles

Grade 2.5
Duration 3.15

Everyone is still. The countdown begins. And in a single moment, adrenaline surges in an eruption of energy and power. This intense closer does not let go, keeping the audience and performer on the edge of their seats throughout. Very playable – just make sure you find time to catch your breath (or does that refer to the audience?...). Ready, set... (3:15)


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