THUNDERBOLT FANFARE - Parts & Score, New & Recent Titles, OPENERS - Grade 1.5

THUNDERBOLT FANFARE - Parts & Score, New & Recent Titles, OPENERS - Grade 1.5
SCBF Repertoire piece Availability Available
Published 31st August 2019
Cat No. JM103252
Price £47.00
Composer: Brian Balmages
Categories: New & Recent Titles, OPENERS - Grade 1.5

Grade 1.5
Duration 1.45

Based on clusters of sound and an unrelenting rhythmic drive, the music was imagined after the composer’s home was hit by lightning. The work has an urgency about it that is juxtaposed with brief moments of release before tension builds once again. Percussion plays a big role throughout and a modular twist occurs toward the end as the inexhaustible energy moves into a fiery conclusion. (1:45)


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