THRILL RIDE - Parts & Score, BIGGIES - Grade 1.0, New & Recent Titles

THRILL RIDE - Parts & Score, BIGGIES - Grade 1.0, New & Recent Titles
SCBF Repertoire piece Availability Available
Published 31st August 2019
Cat No. JM103250
Price £47.00
Composer: Brian Balmages
Categories: BIGGIES - Grade 1.0, New & Recent Titles

Grade 1.0
Duration 2.15

Fear, anxiety, adrenaline, and a sheer rush of excitement all take center stage in this musical depiction of a rollercoaster ride. After percussion simulate the sound of a lift hill, the ride is off in an action-packed series of drops, turns, and loops. Eventually the riders get their hands up in the air and revel in the unabashed joy of the moment before the ride comes to its end. Unique and powerful! (2:15)


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