HAWKEYE OVERTURE - Parts & Score, OPENERS - Grade 2.0, New & Recent Titles

HAWKEYE OVERTURE - Parts & Score, OPENERS - Grade 2.0, New & Recent Titles
SCBF Repertoire piece Availability Available
Published 31st August 2019
Cat No. JM103237
Price £59.50
Composer: Robert Sheldon
Categories: OPENERS - Grade 2.0, New & Recent Titles

Grade 2.0
Duration 3.24

This energetic overture is brimming with catchy melodies for nearly every section of the band. The bold opening fanfare leads to a brisk Allegro that uses a variety of textures and colors. A contrasting lyrical section provides many opportunities for expressive performance before returning to the main theme.

Hawkeye Overture

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