LIFT OFF - Parts & Score, SPRING SALE 2019, New & Recent Titles

LIFT OFF - Parts & Score, SPRING SALE 2019, New & Recent Titles
Availability Available
Published 14th February 2019
Cat No. JM103022
Price £20.00
Categories: SPRING SALE 2019, New & Recent Titles

Grade 2.5

This lively Overture describes the launch of a Space Craft and its subsequent flight. The first two bars should be an impressive Crescendo leading to the Fanfares. [Accent the long notes and play crochets staccato]
At letter B Clarinets and Horns should sing out over the Accompaniment. At letter C Trombones should give a good solid sound for the Trumpets to play over.
Pay careful attention to Woodwind at 48 and Brass after letter D [playing quavers neatly and not too loud] At letter E Trumpets/Alto Sax/Piccolo/Euphonium should dominate. 0n the D>S> Make sure to pick up the original Tempo leading into the "Star Wars" like Coda. At letter F the sustained sound works if players just breathe where necessary. At 110 let the trombone theme dominate and
keep the pace driving towards the end.

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