PASSING MOMENT - Parts & Score, SLOW TUNES - Grade 2.0

PASSING MOMENT - Parts & Score, SLOW TUNES - Grade 2.0
Availability Available
Published 14th February 2019
Cat No. JM103017
Price £45.00
Composer: Bruce Fraser
Category: SLOW TUNES - Grade 2.0

Grade 2.0

This work is a follow-on to Ground Pavan in that it is suitable for playing in church, and is of a fairly short duration. The use of the Drum Kit will give an extra colour but is not essential. It should be an ideal piece for school bands, although all grades of band will find this a suitable work for performance.
There is an interest in Bach -like pieces for band with a drum beat added and Passing Moment is in that vein. The piece however will stand on its own without drums.
Rehearsal / Performance Suggestions :
There is plenty of scope to develop a rich blend of sounds from the band. Try to get really smooth playing and not have big breathing gaps in the middle of or at the end of phrases. At letter A the volume stays the same but you may wish to move the tempo along here, slowing up again for letter B, which should have an “ethereal” atmosphere. At letter C the ensemble requires to be carefully balanced to let the low -set melody through. On reaching letter D there is still some way to go set at this loud dynamic, so take care not to play too loud and risk the chance of not having enough left for the ending.
l hope that you will enjoy working with Passing Moment and that it will fill a gap in your repertoire.
Bruce Fraser

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